Restore Your Mobility: Effective and Informative
Physical Therapy Personalized for You

Physical Therapy Img 1You’ve been on a long, hard, frustrating trip.

And going nowhere… like a prisoner of war on a forced, grueling march.

First, you tried massage. It felt great during the session, but by the time you got back home, that good feeling in your body was almost gone.

Then, your friend said, “Try my chiropractor!” Her adjustments made you feel better for a day, but the problem returned. And the adjustments were kind of harsh – maybe even dangerous? Or maybe not… you’re just not sure.

Then, there was the surgery. OMG… SO painful after. And all those nasty, seductive drugs! You put on a brave face, but you secretly felt like huge, terrifying space aliens were experimenting on your body in their spaceship. And it was insanely expensive – even the “co-pay” was ridiculous. Plus, you had to take more time off work than you had hoped. And on top of that, you now have pain in new places… and still can’t do what you could do before!

Finally, your doctor sent you to the physical therapy clinic approved by your insurance. After only a few visits to a crowded, noisy therapy gym, all they really did was give you weird exercises to do at home – then they were done with you. How did that help?

You are not a simple machine.

You are not a commodity to be measured by your health insurance company’s budget.

You are not a fluid-filled bag of bones and chemicals that can have a broken part replaced and have it work like new.

You are a living, breathing, thinking, feeling, multidimensional, complex human being constantly interacting in new ways with your environment. You are adapting, compensating, and learning new things every moment of your life, on every level of your body and mind – in molecules and cells, your organs and body systems, and your mind, memory, and spirit.

For healing to begin, you need to feel safe.

And not just on a personal or social level. You need to feel safe on a physical, emotional, and energetic level.

The nervous system can get stuck in fight/flight/freeze mode as it struggles to deal with your pain and the perceived physical danger of past events – like a surgical scalpel, a car wreck, or an abusive relationship.

In that mode, the body diverts energy and resources to systems interacting with the environment to survive. It diverts resources away from the bodily systems that deal with tissue healing and the immune response – the “rest and digest” mode of the nervous system.

284161502 1Let’s take a whole new approach…

In our sessions, we’ll work one-on-one in a private treatment room, where you’ll feel relaxed and comfortable.

The hands-on treatment will find areas in your body still stuck in that fight/flight/freeze mode – those areas hiding pain that haven’t responded to conventional treatment.

As the restrictions are released, function is restored at the body’s cellular, organ-system, and energetic levels. As a result, the pain disappears, circulation increases, nerve function normalizes, and tissue healing resumes.

Your muscles can generate more power after restrictions are released, making therapeutic exercise more effective. For most, though, simply resuming an active, body-friendly lifestyle will get you going again!

You deserve treatment that meets all your needs.

You need the pain to stop.

But not something temporary or a quick fix… REAL relief that lasts.

We’ll clarify what medications, ice, heat, etc., you’re using, asking what’s working and what’s not.

We’ll discuss the best sleep positions for your conditions.

We’ll look at your home and office, considering whether modifications to your chairs, desks, etc., would make good ergonomic sense and provide additional relief.

And, of course, I’ll provide hands-on, pain-relieving treatment starting at your very first session.

You need to get back to how life was before the pain started.

If doing your daily physical activities the same old way worked, your body would not be screaming at you right now.

Your body is different now, so you’ll need to do things differently – at least at first.

I’ll teach you specific, practical ways of moving, sitting, and changing positions that are more body-friendly for your situation, so you can safely do the things you want to do again.

And the physical changes that occur in your body during the treatment will help you regain the ability to perform activities safely, more efficiently, and without pain.

You need to know the real story behind this pain!

To paraphrase Socrates, “You don’t know what you didn’t know until you know now what you didn’t know then, you know?”

You are smart and know what you feel. You are very motivated. But if you knew what you needed, you would have overcome this already.

You need new information. Going beyond the basic medical diagnosis, the physical therapy evaluation (and the treatment process over time) will provide insight into the physical story behind your pain, identifying the factors that led to the problem.

You’ll learn about your body and yourself – things you didn’t know, or maybe did, but not well enough. You’ll then have the knowledge and skills to manage or prevent pain in the future.

Physical Therapy Img 3Getting to what matters most…


The physical therapy evaluation will measure many aspects of your current physical condition (pain level, range of motion, functional tests, etc.). That will give us a baseline so that we can monitor your progress.

We’ll also create goals to make sure we’re moving in the right direction and achieving the success you’re looking for. When you start doing activities you did before, you’ll know you’re on track!


Good news! Physical therapy is reimbursed by most health insurance plans. I’ll even help by submitting claims electronically on your behalf. If you are not using insurance and paying your own way, you’ll get a nice discount.

And if you’re on Medicare…

You get special treatment! I’ll do all the claims billing directly. I do this because it’s important that my clients with more “life experience” or on fixed incomes keep up with their physical therapy. Plus, federal regulations strongly “encourage” me to do it (haha). There are many different Medicare plans, so let’s talk about it… but there will probably be little out-of-pocket cost for you.

1900767052You deserve better. At last, better is here!

You want your independence back.

You want your life back.

You want results.

I’m here to help you with all of these things – to stop the pain, learn about your body, and get moving again!

It’s time to move past the gimmicks and get to real healing.

Let’s talk about how I can help. Call, text, or message me using the contact form below!