Horrible Headaches

Headaches Img 1Oh, no… here it comes again.

There’s the aura.

You can feel the pressure building up… and up.

Then, like a crack of lightning, it hits.

For the next four or five hours…

Your life is put on hold. Everything stops.

It’s like you’re a child being punished (for who knows what) – like a cosmic “timeout.”

You quit work early, putting your job at risk.

You leave your family to fend for themselves.

You sit in a dark room alone, literally doing nothing – not reading, not checking emails… not even sleeping.

The back of your head is throbbing. The stabbing pain in your eye is excruciating! Your face feels weird, and a part of your vision is… blank.

There you are again… powerless… waiting… hoping those pills will work this time.

143312845The brain and cranial bones are very sensitive, fragile structures.

But they’re subject to hidden myofascial restrictions, which can compress your head with 2000 pounds per square inch of pressure! It feels like a stainless-steel vise getting tighter and tighter on your head. That enormous pressure interferes with your brain’s ability to work normally, causing pain, vision problems, abnormal feelings, movement difficulties, and many other problems.

But the causes – the restrictions – compressing the brain are not only in the head area. Your head is connected to your body, right? The restrictions are hiding in many other areas of your body, too.

The connective tissue system (the fascia) is a single structure that connects and holds every organ, muscle, and bone together. And because of the physics of leverage, a strong restriction can have a magnified effect on distant, sensitive structures – like your brain. It really is like the song: the leg bone is connected to the hip bone, the hip bone is connected to the….is connected to the “head bone.”

There is something you can do, and I can help you do it.

We can find these restrictions so they can be released. Myofascial Release is safe, non-invasive, and, unlike many pills you might be taking, it’s non-toxic.

In our treatment sessions, we will work on painful areas of your head, face, and neck.

We will also examine and uncover restrictions in other areas related to headaches. This could be in the spine, pelvis, shoulders, or legs.

Often there are “a-ha” moments when a new connection is felt. Like between the headaches and the chronic low back pain, for example. It was there all along but overwhelmed by the more painful headache. Then, another important “cause” of the headache is found and released.

But wait, there’s more!

We can develop practical strategies you can apply in your life to prevent back pain and headaches, too!

Your head will stop hurting, and your brain will work better. Yes… for good!

It does not have to be like this!

Your family needs your love and attention. Take care of yourself so that you CAN take care of your family – and your work. You deserve to feel good, and they need you to feel good.

Now, it is time to get your life back!

Call me for a little chat on the phone or schedule an appointment today: (916) 359-9590.